This paper looks at the problem where the precedent set by that both scripture and early church history are not followed today. It shows that the local church is informal, organic, unstructured, participatory, not dominated by one man, and open to many individual gifts.

This paper attempts to help us see how much the impact of the world in the church is a travesty, and being the beginning of undoing the work of grace. The damage caused by emotionalism is equally dangerous. Both are accelerated by over emphasising instrumental music. It is much better to be obedient and obey the apostolic practice of a cappella singing.

The New Testament model for the local church.

Here are the subjective thoughts of an old man on this important subject.

This was supposed to be just a few notes made while reading the work by Svendsen. However, the amount of errors contained in the book resulted in this necessary critique.

Some women are shy and timid, while others even become repressed within their own home. This paper is an encouragement to Christian women not to let this happen to you; you have a significant calling.

This is a paper on a terrible subject; apostasy. This needs to be addressed today because we are seeing people, and especially church leaders, apostatise at a terrible rate. I have tried to expound this properly to give a good foundation on the matter. I trust that the conclusion shows that this is not an entirely negative subject. We must individually persevere and encourage each other to love and good works.

In order to explain the technicalities about the doctrine of apostasy, this paper analyses what it is, what words are used in Scripture and how other doctrines are affected by it. I trust this will answer any questions.

This is a clear exposition of a verse to show that the Charismatic practice of apostles ruling the church is entirely false. There is also an appendix on the matter of submission to leaders.